Legendary and Mythical Pokemon and Ultra Beast
Por um escritor misterioso
Last updated 13 março 2025

Spin the wheel to randomly choose from these options: Enamorus, Raikou, Calyrex, Kyurem, Meltan, Regirock, Zeraora, Tapu Koko, Suicune, Terrakion, Nihilego, Diancie, Azelf, Arceus, Mew, Zapdos, Xurkitree, Jirachi, Mewtwo, Tornadus, Keldeo, Thundurus, Landorus, Cobalion, Mesprit, Galarian Zapdos, Galarian Moltres, Zamazenta, Kartana, Magearna, Stakataka, Tapu Lele, Silvally, Cosmoem, Necrozma, Rayquaza, Regice, Volcanion, Zarude, Dialga, Regidrago, Solgaleo, Regieleki, Eternatus, Tapu Fini, Palkia, Lunala, Celebi, Pheromosa, Zacian, Xerneas, Hoopa, Reshiram, Genesect, Yveltal, Deoxys, Cresselia, Glastrier, Naganadel, Marshadow, Urshifu SSS, Melmetal, Latios, Kubfu, Magearna Original Colour, Urshifu RSS, Buzzwole, Type: Null, Meloetta, Giratina, Virizion, Phione, Regigigas, Kyogre, Latias, Lugia, Entei, Blacephalon, Galarian Articuno, Victini, Spectrier, Shaymin, Ho-Oh, Celesteela, Uxie, Cosmog, Guzzlord, Articuno, Darkrai, Zekrom, Registeel, Groudon, Poipole, Moltres, Tapu Bulu, Manaphy, Zygarde, Heatran!

Who Do You Think The Missing Legendaries, Mythicals, Ultra Beasts, and Paradoxes Should Go To? : r/PokemonMasters

Tino 🩷💜💙 on X: Howdy, I saw this one Pokemon origins flowchart someone made, but it only went up to 4th Gen so I decided to make my own and share it.

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