Sim Shalom (Max Janowski) Cantor Azi Schwartz of Park Avenue Synagogue
Por um escritor misterioso
Last updated 13 março 2025

Max Janowski (1912-1991) was born in Berlin and is
considered one of the most prolific and
influential composers of synagogue music in the
20th century. Following his training as a pianist
and organist and a brief period teaching music
in Tokyo in the early 1930s, he immigrated to the
U.S. in 1937.
Janowski settled in Chicago in 1938, where
he was appointed musical director of the KAM
(Kehilat Anshey Ma’arav) Congregation, one of the
flagships of the Reform movement in America.
He composed more than 500 works, including
choir and orchestra pieces, cantatas, and
oratorios. His signature style is marked
by simplicity, an appealing melody and
straightforward solo lines. He was highly
influenced by the modalities and harmonies
embedded in Israeli folk and popular music, and
composed songs to the words of Israeli poets.
Avinu Malkeinu (sung by Barbara Streisand)
and Sim Shalom, are among his first and most
well-known compositions, which are now widely
accepted and performed around the world.
Sim Shalom has been a beloved and oftenperformed
classic for years. Janowski’s setting
of Sim Shalom is based on the same four-note
ascending-descending motive that appears in
Avinu Malkeinu. This four-note figuration also
echoes the famous Israeli song Ali Be’er (Rise
up, Well, words by Ch. N. Bialik, music by Sarah
Levy Tanai). Sim Shalom’s melody winds around
ancient musical mode prevalent in traditional
and folk music. The unison refrain allows the
congregation to take an active role in singing.
The song was dedicated to the diplomat Ralph
Johnson Bunche, who received the 1950 Nobel
Peace Prize for mediating in the 1947 Arab-
Israeli conflict.

Sim Shalom (Janowski)

Temple Emanu-El • Tavo L'fanecha by Max Janowski

Heritage Cantor Azi Schwartz of Park Avenue Synagogue

Music by Cantor Azi Schwartz

The Max Janowski Society Performance Edition Series - Cantors

Cantor Azi Schwartz of Park Avenue Synagogue's Community

Avinu Malkeinu - Cantor Marcus Feldman and Rabbi David Wolpe (Max

Sim Shalom (Janowski)

Heritage Cantor Azi Schwartz of Park Avenue Synagogue

Sim Shalom (Janowski)

Heritage Cantor Azi Schwartz of Park Avenue Synagogue

Heritage Cantor Azi Schwartz of Park Avenue Synagogue

Music by Cantor Azi Schwartz

Heritage Cantor Azi Schwartz of Park Avenue Synagogue