6 Crucial Lessons on Resistance, Resilience, and Reaching Your Dreams from Steven Pressfield - Chase Jarvis Photography
Por um escritor misterioso
Last updated 15 março 2025

Some of us have always known our dreams, while others discover them through life’s twists and turns. But regardless of their origin, these dreams ignite a passion within us. 1. Dreams are not just fleeting thoughts; they’re a compass guiding us towards our true purpose. Following your dreams might sound idealistic, but it’s about taking tangible steps towards them. As Steven Pressfield’s book title suggests, “Put Your Ass Where Your Heart Wants to Be.” If you dream of being a writer, start writing. Dream of photography? Learn from a mentor. It’s about action over mere contemplation. 2. Action is the bridge between dreams and reality. Start small, but start somewhere. However, pursuing dreams isn’t without its challenges. Pressfield discusses the “big ‘R’ Resistance” – the internal voice of doubt and criticism that often holds us back. Many succumb to this resistance, leading to unfulfilled dreams and potential negative consequences. The key to overcoming this is commitment. While amateurs might give up at the first sign of resistance, professionals push through. 3. Resistance is a sign you’re on the right path. Embrace it, and let it fuel your determination. While some are naturally talented, true mastery comes from hard work and perseverance. It’s […]
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